Friday 6 May 2016

'MEEKNESS'(Matthew 5:5, Psalm 25:9,149:4 45:4,1Pet 3:4,)

When I mention MEEKNESS, what comes to mind?...Weakness?...Maybe, because it rhymes with it but truly would you say that's what it means?

Let's look at these words- Subservient, Obsequious ( okay, too big)...excessive submission, being too humbly patient, prepared to obey unquestionably, naive, tame, spiritless.

Certainly, these words denote certain line of  Weakness for most people when carefully analysed.

Jesus himself was Meek and he preached it in Matthew 5. So?

Don't mind those...okay, you can only mind these dictionary definitions only for academic purposes. However, don't MIND it on the spiritual front.

This is MEEKNESS-It is closely associated with words like Humility,Gentleness, Lowly in heart but it even goes beyond that.
* It is an attitude....
*An attitude of total trust to God without disputing or resisting even if one disagrees.
*An attitude of accepting whatever God does as good&perfect.
*An attitude of wholly yielding your will to God and letting his, reign supreme.

Anyone of them would do. The above is what many describe as humble and gentle.We see the aspects of the dictionary  definition here.

Humanly, not all will be described as humble and gentle because sometimes you have to be feisty a little. Maybe, a mixture of it as led will do for our daily lives.

However, the difference in all these is the GOD FACTOR. We should understand that Meekness should ONLY be directed towards GOD.Aside God,Meekness ceases to be later definition given but becomes all the dictionary words used above.

Bringing Meekness to the human level makes it untenable.In fact, it can clearly be described as improper,weird,humanly gratifying and perhaps foolish because try as you could, you can't obey Man at all times. Never!(That is not the way God wants things to be done)

Surely, we must be respectful, humble, submissive to one another, people in authority et al but not the excess of it and in a sacrosanct manner. Only God has that exclusive right, honour and priviledge.

This is why we need God. We need to be meek towards God and God only.This only stems from the fact he is a Holy and Perfect God and that whatever he does is Good and perfect. This is to enable us live a pleasing and purposeful life.

Moreover, Jesus exercised the perfect example of MEEKNESS.
First, in accepting to die for us& then hours before his death giving up his will for that of his Father to prevail.This is an example for us. It takes a lot to get there. Yes, that's why you need to continue to invest in Word study&prayer at all times. 

One last thing, it isn't controversial but true. We are all Christians but for those who are MEEK, the Lord is keen on them than all others. This is because aside all the questions,doubts,issues they may have; they've fully availed themselves to him. (Not too little  and not in excess)

Have you done same as a Christian too? Psalm149:4- For the LORD taketh pleasure in his people: he will beautify the meek with salvation.


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