Tuesday 3 May 2016


I look at this intriguing&somehow controversial topic today. What I call 'SPECIAL PURPOSE SITUATIONS'

The simple definition to the title is when God chooses EXTREMELY peculiar situations&people in fulfilling his purpose at certain points in time.
Already, we know our God is unpredictable. He works in mysterious ways& his ways are not our ways.
This,we know as it continues to beat our imaginations.

However, with SPECIAL PURPOSE SITUATIONS, it gets really complicated and we only have to place them distinctly,watch it pan out beautifully all to our understanding& to his glory.

So, What are these situations.
Let me start with this,
* Maybe, Leicester City championship win yesterday was a SPECIAL PURPOSE ONE?

*And so in the Peacekeeping Mission of over a thousand of people; you were the only one who survived.

Do you think it was a fluke or one of those normals?

*For some, on countless occasions, God has continued to save them from the many accidents.
The moment they move out,then something happens?

It doesn't happen all the time. This is because it's for a SPECIAL PURPOSE. So, does God not care about the other souls?(Always a difficult one to answer)

Situations in the Bible:
*Why did God choose only Abraham out of his other siblings to make Father of all nations?

I don't have a direct answer except that in Rom.9:15, God says I will have mercy on whom I have mercy.So?...

*Go and Marry the unfaithful Prostitute Gomer.This is the instruction God gave to Hosea, the prophet. He obeyed.

How about this? Why so?...To save the nation and to show God's faithfulness to us even in our unfaithfulness.

* In Ezra, when Israel went into exile in Persia, God spared a remnant of Israelites.
The reason was to preserve God's law and later for them to rebuild the temple.

Beloved,many are the situations we can give about this.
With some, the understanding will come with time and for others we'll have to leave it to the SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD.

I must say SPECIAL PURPOSE SITUATIONS are difficult to understand&they don't always happen.

However, there is one thing we know: Everything God does is  always best&for our Good.

So just like many others, ours is just to TRUST him. And these SPECIAL PURPOSE ONES are even the more reasons why.


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