Friday 20 May 2016

'FAVOUR' (PART 2) (LUKE 2:27-52)

Okayy, so we rather do Part 2 of FAVOUR this morning.

Of course, we looked at what FAVOUR is& what it is not.

I gave my definitions which took us into the Bible. Then, we rounded up with what to do to get Favour for it's NOT merely there for every Christian.

That leads me to today's message& our focal passage Luke 2:27-52.
The main text relating to the topic is  in V.52
'And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man'

Now we read this very often &immediately want to claim all that is there but we fail to read up to see what young Jesus did.

Now it all starts with  Jesus' Parents who frequently dedicated him at the temple as custom demanded.

A lot of prophecies&confirmations were said about him still to the marvel of his parents& even the prophets.

Being raised with this, Jesus continued to abide in the temple courts.

And this is how he was described in v.40
'And the child(Jesus) grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was on him.'

At 12 years, young Jesus stayed behind after the festival leaving his parents to look for him.And this is where scripture says they found him:
V. 46 'After three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions.'

The Bible tells us that he continued to do his father's business&out of that he was described in v.52 as... having FAVOUR with God and man.

Exactly what i said yesterday about FAVOUR.  There has to be that intimacy with him, one that doesn't stop but continue to grow and flourish.

I said yesterday that a person with FAVOUR is one that BLOSSOMS meaning becomes more attractive, successful&stronger.

Such people have this peculiar shining light that attracts others to them. People just can't resist you. (NOT IN ALL CASES right?)

It is also likened to God's Grace and blessings because out of his favour, they are released.

And so we are beside ourselves. Left totally stunned. FAVOUR works like magic- unexplainable& so unclear but the only reason is that someone is working behind the scenes for you.

The only silent trigger is to BASK IN HIS GLORY ALWAYS

*FAVOUR or BEING FAVOURED doesn't mean you don't experience troubles.
*Also, it just doesn't mean when people can't stop looking at you. (There may be something seriously wrong)
*And NORMALLY it has its timing or season of operation.

Isaiah 66:2 says, “These are the ones I look on with FAVOUR: those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and who TREMBLE AT MY WORD.


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