Tuesday 24 May 2016


Straightaway, Can I shoot?
Okay, let me do this for the sake of those who may not have read this morning.

We're talking  about things of the extreme, overdoing things, excesses which we've termed 'WHEN IT IS JUST TOO MUCH'
(Can still refer )

Let me SHOOT now:
* Sometimes we just TALK TOO MUCH. Our talk may be relevant but it turns offensive&senseless WHEN IT'S JUST TOO MUCH.

You may be analytical or poetic but learn to be prudent, factual& basically talk the needful in spite of all the spice you bring.
(Proverbs 10:19
Sin is unavoidable when there is much talk, but whoever seals his lips is wise.)

* Hmmm, have you seen  the way some people want you to know they actually helped that person.

Overenthusiasm, Really(always) in your face& an attitude of the only one concerned.

You may really want to help but the naked portrayal of  I AM THE ONE WHO HELPED/CONCERNED steals  away all shine&blessing for that matter.

Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed. (Proverbs 19:17)

'And do when you give to the needy, do not announce it with  trumpets as the hypocrites do....on the streets to be honoured by men.' (Matt.6:2-)

* The same applies to church folks & work colleagues who want glory for themselves.

They are almost everywhere& unnecessarily overdo things or unexpected whiles groaning&harbouring stuff.
('Nhwehwuanimu they call it)

for church folks you can be a real temptation unto someone's faith so you better watch it.(Luke 17)  Then,
Colossians. 3:23-24
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as working for God  not for men, since you know that  you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.

*Finally, with the frequent visits&constant intrusion. Prov. 25:17 perfectly answer it
'Do not set foot in your neighbor's house too often. Otherwise, he will see too much of you and hate you.'

(More sequels later especially with the issue of OVERSPIRITUALITY)


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