Wednesday 18 May 2016

IGNORED?...(Jeremiah 2, Isaiah 40:25-31)

Forgotten, Forsaken
Totally Dejected! 

I choose to sum it up as IGNORED!
This is the life Kofi Asenso Okyere  who feels totally IGNORED!

IGNORED is he because his countless prayers to God for years for just that decent job to take care of his children don't seem to go anywhere.

IGNORED is he in life and ESPECIALLY at GOD because he recounts:
'What haven't i done Lord. Is it my life, dedication to your work, total surrender to you, helping the needy even in my state...What?...yet my problems keep compounding like Job.

Do you know why?...because apart from my family&very few sympathetic ones; I'm mocked & belittled at church, my neighbourhood & at various gatherings.

The latest is that of my extended family. As the last person&eldest among the siblings to be invited for the family gathering; it was rather for an ulterior motive.

Hiding under the scorn and disguise of being the 'experienced', I was sent on a long errand& by the time I returned the meeting was almost over.

I sat in& whiles presenting what I was sent for, I asked politely-'So how far?'...Momentarily, everyone turned mockingly silent after which the meeting continued without wink about my question.
It turned out it was a ploy to get me out of the meeting. I wasn't needed. I WAS IGNORED. IN FACT, I FELT TOTALLY IGNORED.

Everyone wants to be loved&cared for.  To be loved or attended to especially by those special people amounts to almost everything. However, to be IGNORED especially by those dear ones is like a stab with a  knife through the heart. It is very damning as one is left waiting, wanting and wondering.

In fact, many describe the throbbing pain/feeling to being ignored as the worst ever. They would have preferrred to be insulted or rebuked then at least the person cares enough vent his spleen to illicit a reaction. (More to come from here) 

Sometimes, this is what happens in our Christian walk with God.  We ask if he's there at all.We know the righteous has many troubles&God says he'll never leave us nor forsake us. SO,...WHERE... IS...HE?

READING- 'Jeremiah 2'

This is what the Lord says:
v.5-6 “What fault did your ancestors find in me,that they strayed so far from me?They followed worthless idol and became worthless themselves.They did not ask, ‘Where is the Lord,who brought us up out of Egypt and led us through the barren wilderness,

v.13 “My people have committed two sins:They have FORSAKEN methe spring of living water,and have dug their own cisterns,broken cisterns that cannot hold water.

This is where Kofi's Bible study took him that fateful morning after reading the whole account. Wow, so God was forsaken too. He was IGNORED like i am and even worse by the Israelites who frantically suffered from amnesia. They easily forgot what God continuously did for them every step of the way.

Then as he looked at his  'ON THIS MORNING' devotional, he saw another passage.READING:

V. 27-28- "Why do you say, O Jacob and complain, O Israel, My way is hidden from the Lord; my cause is DISREGARDED by my God?...Do you not know?...He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak" Isaiah 40:25-31(Read more)

That was the turning point in his life. To trust more, believe more knowing that even when we are faithless he will be faithful for he cannot deny himself. (2 Timothy 2:13).

HE WILL NEVER FORSAKE YOU!. DON'T EVER FEEL IGNORED!...GOD IS WITH YOU! (That was the message in the devotion that he thought was perfectly tailor-crafted just for him)

TODAY...You won't believe when you see him...  Don't worry eee, I will show you Kofi when i see you.


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